Monday, January 21, 2013

My take on the NOA

I read the CBS report and here's my take on it. 

From a football perspective, I don't think you're going to see anymore post-season bans imposed on the Football end. However, you will see Scholarships reduced over the next 2-3 years. However, from the Basketball end, it might a totally different story. I think there's a chance you might see a post-season ban and limits on visits and contact with recruits. 

With that being said, if you figure the NOA is officially released next week, you then have the 90 day window to address the allegations in the NOA in writing, which would put it at April 15-16th, two days after the Spring Game at Sun Life Stadium. Then, as the source in the CBS Sports story mentioned, you're looking at Mid-June for the CANES brass to appear before the COI (Committee on Infractions). 4-6 months after that, a final ruling. which would be at the earliest October 15th, but no later than near the end of this year (December 15th). That would be right in the middle of recruiting for the '14 class. 

The way I think this plays out. I don't think we're going to use the full 90 days, these in both the Hecht Center and in the Ashe Building, really want to get this done, right away and put this behind us ASAP. The new NCAA penalties take effect on August 1st, and there's a possibility that we might get hit with the new tougher sanctions here. Though, I don't expect that to be the case when its all over. 

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